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Adam Hook Illustrator and Artist
See Adam's Work in the Portfolios Above
See Adam's Work in the Portfolios Above
Adam Hook is a versatile book and magazine illustrator who combines exhaustive research with skilled draughtsmanship to produce detailed reconstructions that bring history vividly to life.
Adam is available for hand drawn illustration work and private commissions.
Adam has over thirty-five years experience working as an illustrator and artist. Clients include Osprey Publishing, for whom he has illustrated over 130 military history titles; World Book; Heinemann Educational; Harper Collins; Bloomsbury; Kingfisher; The University of Chicago Press; Larousse; Allen and Unwin; Macmillan; Templar; Usbourne; D C Thomson and The Ivy Press.
Adam’s subjects include military history, daily life and costume, architecture and landscape, with a chronology stretching from Biblical times to the modern day. He has also maintained his lifelong passion as an artist for painting natural history subjects, from wild birds and animals to trees, flowers and landscapes. He produces realistic and finely detailed hand drawn illustration for commissions ranging from fine art and greeting cards to field guides and encyclopedias.
Adam has illustrated Osprey books in the Combat; Campaign; Fortress; Warrior; Weapon; Elite; Men-at-Arms; New Vanguard; Duel and Command series. Examples of Adams contributions to these series can be found in the Osprey portfolio page (link above). Many of the original paintings are available for purchase and can be found on the sales list, available for download on the "Contact & Sales" page. Please note all copyright remains the property of Osprey Publishing.
Copyright © 2023 Adam Hook Artist and Illustrator - All Rights Reserved.